It's almost worthy of haunt status now. We added some features like a new brick crypt, a backdrop projection, a lot more jack o' lanterns, a couple of new scarecrows, and a whole new witches area complete with cauldron, ingredients table, summoning table, and a magic mirror. Details about some of these features can be found on the Older Projects page.
Apologies for the terrible picture quality. I had to take everything using my old phone.
The witch's ingredients table and magic mirror
Closeup of the table after dark
New scarecrow (credit for inspiration and pumpkin face goes to Pumpkinrot!)
Hard to see, but some jack o' lanterns on pillars that form a viewing entrance
Another new scarecrow that Griffin built
Last year's scarecrow in a new location
Main viewing area - mausoleum is out of frame on the left
Rearmost area with jack o' lanterns and a backdrop video projection
The new brick crypt
Another look at the new Pumpkinrot-inspired scarecrow