So, I'm obviously a huge fan of Halloween and Disney's Haunted Mansion.

After thinking about creating an outdoor Halloween display for years, I finally did something about it in 2016. It was just a modest display and small-scale, but the feedback I got was positive and I was pretty happy about it. This site is an attempt to document and share some of the builds and processes for that display and other Halloween projects, as well as additions in development as they grow. Also included are some photos and notes about various Halloween costumes and props we have put together over the years. Hopefully, this will be useful for others too.

I may post links to or make recommendations for some products that I've used, but these recommendations are in no way paid for or compensated endorsements. I honestly just liked the products or found them useful.

I got a mention and some really nice comments on PumpkinRot's blog, which is a huge deal for me since I'm such a huge fan. If you're not familiar with his work, I strongly recommend you check it out and see for yourself!

Follow me, @GreyRaven, on to see more photos.

Questions, or want more details or instructions on a particular project? Hit me up in the comments!

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Site design & all content © Kevin Roberts (GreyRaven)